Friday, July 22, 2016

Sarawak State makes breakthrough in pig farming

Sarawak has a made a breakthrough in pig farming and has made the stringent  Biosecurity  and Sanitary and Phytosanitary  requirements by Agriculture and Veterinary Authority, Singapore for the export of pork. 

“We are now exporting frozen pork to Singapore. The first container was shipped out to Singapore  on 2nd  February 2015 with a total nett weight of about 12 mt,” Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Modernisation of  Agriculture Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang said in his winding-up speech in the State Legislative Assembly here yesterday.

Since then, he added, a total of twenty five containers with total  nett weights of 413 metric tones had been exported to Singapore.  

“The export is on going with around 60 metric tones targeted per month,” he said. 

With regards to the progress of the centralised pig farming Area at Pasir Putih, the Archor Farm currently has a total of 22,500 standing pig population (SPP). 

Another twenty two pig farmers from Kuching and Samarahan  Divisions were expected  to move into the pig production area latest by 2018.

The projected pig production from the Pig Farm Area shall reach 250,000 SPP  from 2020 onwards. When phase 2 of the project is completed, a turnover of 500,000 porkers with a total estimated value of RM500 million per year is expected. 

On the progress of the implementation of Agropolitan projects in Sarawak, he informed the august House that out of the five areas being developed, namely Batang Sadong, Samarahan, Pulau Bruit Mukah, Batang Lupar Sri Aman, Gunung Sadok Betong and Kedaya Telang Usan in Ulu Baram, the first three areas that have been planted with oil palm have now started to bear fruits. 

For Gunung Sadok, he said, the rubber trees which were planted in the first phase would be ready for tapping by 2017/2018.

“Through this project, the Government  hopes that the participants will be able to improve their income level and subsequently be out of poverty,” he said.

Jabu said, his Ministry was working closely with the Federal Ministry of Plantation Industry and Community (MPIC relating to the future development for Sarawak to embark on latex industry.